  >  Popular Districts   >  Sultanahmet – Heart of Historic Istanbul

Art historian Hayri Fehmi Yılmaz has prepared three alternative routes for you to explore Sultanahmet and its surrounding on foot. Enjoy it!

Most people know little about the city in which they live. Particularly when it is a city like Istanbul: you need to make a special effort to know it. This is because a structure or a wall that you pass by every day and do not notice may be one of the important building blocks that makes Istanbul special.

We can hear you ask: “So, how can we explore it?” To do this, you need to first walk around, see, and ‘understand’. Our suggestion is that you divide Istanbul into districts, explore it by defining special routes, and get to know the structures that have importance in Istanbul’s history more closely.

What about starting with Sultanahmet and around? Hayri Fehmi Yilmaz, who is a guide and a coordinator in Cultural Awareness Foundation, has prepared three routes for you to tour this region step by step. You can start walking either on your own or with your friends.


1. Hagia Sophia Museum – The data we are dealing with is highly valuable, and it is crucial that we verify that you are a legitimate user. Please complete the required form Guest Information for this purpose.