Museum of Selfies Istanbul
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This is an interactive museum in which you can capture jaw-dropping insta-worthy photos that will impress everyone, have a laughter-filled day, and collect memories that you won’t be able to acquire anywhere else. There are many activities such as swinging from the ceiling, bathing in a pool of gold coins, or swimming in an emoji pool. Enjoy this unforgettable journey with Istanbul Tourist Pass®.
The world-famous selfie museum The Museum of Selfies is at Trump Shopping Center for the first time in the world after America! Offering the newest form of interactive entertainment, the Museum of Selfies Istanbul invites you to experience a day full of fun, laughter, and unforgettable memories with your friends and family. The Museum of Selfies sheds light on the centuries-old history of selfies and set out with the motto “Take mind-blowing photos in places you can only dream of”;